Can I get a refund?

All Premium subscription purchased through the DOYOUYOGA website come with a 30 day money back guarantee.

You'll get your refund if you cancel your Premium subscription within the 30-day refund period.

If you cancel past the 30-day refund period, however, you'll get DOYOU access for the duration you paid for, and your DOYOU Premium subscription ceases at the end of this period.

Please keep the following in mind:

  • We're unable to issue refunds once your 30 day money back period is over.
  • If you purchase a subscription through the Apple iTunes Store or our iPhone application, the sale is final, and we will not be able to provide a refund. Your purchase will be subject to Apple’s applicable payment policy, which also may not provide for refunds.
  • If you purchase a subscription through the Google Play store, the sale is final and we will not be able provide a refund. Your purchase will be subject to Google’s applicable payment policy, which also may not provide for refunds.

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